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At DSP Lab, we are proud to have had many successful publications in various fields.
H. Veisi, K. Mafakheri, S. Bagher, “Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications (By Laurene V. Fausett)”, Nas Publications, 1392. (To purchase this book: click here.)
H. Veisi, K. Mafakheri,“Speech processing – Theory – algorithms – and applications”, Nas Publications, 1398.
مبانی شبکههای عصبی(ساختارها،الگوریتمها،کاربردها) | سعید باقری شوروکی, کبری مفاخری, لوران فاست, هادی ویسی (خرید کتاب)
پردازش گفتار جلد اول / مبانی نظری، الگوریتم ها و توسعه محصول | زودانگ هوانگ، الکس آسرو ، شاو – وون هان, هادی ویسی . کبری مفاخری (خرید کتاب)
هادي ويسي، حسين صامتي از شرکت عصر گويش پرداز، روش PC-PMC براي مقاومسازي سيستمهاي بازشناسي گفتار به نويز (با کاربرد در موتور بازشناسي گفتار پيوسته مستقل از گوينده با دادگان بزرگ زبان فارسي نويسا)، شماره اختراع 41555، تيرماه 1386
همكاران، هادي ويسي و حسين صامتي از شرکت عصر گويش پرداز، روش جديد تشخيص کلمات خارج از واژگان براي سيستمهاي بازشناسي گفتار (با کاربرد در موتور بازشناسي گفتار پيوسته مستقل از گوينده با دادگان بزرگ زبان فارسي نويسا)، شماره اختراع 41553، تيرماه 1386
همكاران، هادي ويسي و حسين صامتي از شرکت عصر گويش پرداز، ارائه مدل گرامري همه منظوره براي زبان فارسي بر پايه مدل GPSG، شماره اختراع 41554، تيرماه 1386
Journal Papers
Veisi H., Jamzad M., “A Complexity-based approach in image compression using neural networks”, International Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 82-92, 2009.
Veisi, H. and Sameti, H., “The Integration of Principal Component Analysis and Cepstral Mean Subtraction in Parallel Model Combination for Robust Speech Recognition”, Elsevier Digital Signal Processing Journal, Vol 21, No. 1, pp. 36-53, 2011 (DOI: 10.1016/j.dsp.2010.07.004).
Sameti H., Veisi H., Bahrani M., BabaAli B., Hosseinzadeh Kh., “A Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition System for Persian Language”, EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2011:6, 2011 (DOI:10.1186/1687-4722-2011-426795).
Veisi, H. and Sameti, H., “Hidden-Markov-Model-based Voice Activity Detector with high Speech Detection Rate for Speech Enhancement”, IET Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 54-63, 2012 (DOI: 10.1049/iet-spr.2010.0282).
Veisi, H. and Sameti, H., “Speech Enhancement Using Hidden Markov Models in Mel-frequency Domain”, Elsevier Speech Communication, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 205–220, Feb 2013, (DOI: 1016/j.specom.2012.08.005).
Aroudi A., Veisi, H. and Sameti, H., “Hidden Markov Model-based Speech Enhancement Using Multivariate Laplace and Gaussian Distributions”, IET Signal Processing, Vol 9, No 2, pp. 177-185, 2015, (DOI: 10.1049/iet-spr.2014.0032)
Aroudi A., Veisi, H. and Sameti, H., Mafakheri, Z., “A Study on Multivariate Distribution of Speech Signals”, EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2015:35, pp. 1-14, 2015 (DOI: 10.1186/s13636-015-0078-1)
Azimi S., Veisi H., Rahmani R., Automatic Discovery of Technology Networks for Industrial-Scale R&D IT Projects via Data Mining, Amirkabir International Journal of Science& Research (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) (AIJ-EEE), Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 17-22, Spring 2015.
Rouzbeh Riazi, Mohamad Asrardel, Shidvash Vakilipour, Maziar Shafaee, Hadi Zare, Hadi Veisi, Masayasu Shimura, Mamoru Tanahashi, and Toshio Miyauchi, A Data Mining Study on Combustion Dynamics and NOx Emission of a Swirl Stabilized Combustor with Secondary Fuel Injection, International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics, International journal of heavy vehicle systems, 2016.
Kayvan Bijari, Hadi Zare, Hadi Veisi, Hossein Bobarshad, Memory-enriched big bang–big crunch optimization algorithm for data clustering, Neural Computing and Applications Vol. 27, No. 8, pp. 1-11, 2016, (DOI 10.1007/s00521-016-2528-9)
Fatemi, Samira, Mostafa Salehi, Hadi Veisi, and Mahdi Jalili. “A fuzzy logic based estimator for respondent driven sampling of complex networks.” PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 510, no. (2018): 42-51.
Farhadipour Aref, Hadi Veisi, Mohammad Asgari, and Mohammad Ali Keyvanrad. “Dysarthric speaker identification with different degrees of dysarthria severity using deep belief networks.” ETRI Journal 0, no. 0 (2018): 1-10.
Veisi, Hadi, Mohammad MohammadAmini, and Hawre Hosseini. “Toward Kurdish Language Processing: Experiments in Collecting and Processing the AsoSoft Text Corpus.” Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 1, no. 1 (2018): 1.
Rezaeenia, Mehdi, Rohallah Rahmani, Ali Ghodsi, and Hadi Veisi. “Sentiment analysis based on improved pre-trained word embeddings.” EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS 117, no. 1 (2019): 139-147.
Khansari M., Molaei S., Veisi H., Salehi M., Predicting the Spread of Influenza Epidemics by Analyzing Twitter Messages, Health and Technology, August 2019, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp 517–532.
عرفانه غروي، هادي ويسي، رويکرد مبتني بر دادهکاوي در مديريت ارتباط با مشتري و بازاريابي، پژوهشنامه مديريت بازاريابي، شماره 2، صفحه 25-44، بهار 1393
روزبه رياضي، ايمان کليني، شيدوش وکيليپور، بهرام تارويرديزاده، هادي ويسي، هادي زارع، استفاده از روشهاي آماري و هوش مصنوعي جهت پيشبيني دماي گاز خروجي از توربين يک موتور ميکروتوربين گاز آزمايشگاهي، نشريه علمي-پژوهشي دانش و فناوري هوافضا، دوره 4، شماره 2، صص 77-94، زمستان 1394
محمد اسراردل، روزبه رياضي، شيدوش وکيليپور، مازيار شفائي روشني، هادي زارع، هادي ويسي، پيشبيني ديناميک احتراق در يک محفظه احتراق آزمايشگاهي با شعله پايدار شده چرخشي همراه با پاشش سوخت ثانويه با استفاده از روشهاي آماري و هوش مصنوعي، مجله مهندسي مکانيک مدرس، 1395
عليرضا ترابي، روزبه رياضي، محمد دانشي کهني، شيدوش وکيليپور، هادي ويسي، هادي زارع، پيشبيني ميزان آلايندة NOx در يک محفظة احتراق آزمايشگاهي با شعلة پايدارشدة چرخشي با استفاده از روش پردازش تصوير شعله و بهکارگيري روشهاي دادهکاوي، دانش و فناوري هوافضا، سال پنجم، شمارة دوم، پاييز و زمستان 1395
روزبه رياضي، عليرضا ترابي، محمد اسراردل، مازيار شفائي روشني، شيدوش وکيلي پور تکلو، هادي زارع، هادي ويسي، استفاده از روش هاي آماري و هوش مصنوعي جهت پيش بيني ديناميک احتراق در يک محفظه احتراق آزمايشگاهي با شعله پايدار شده چرخشي، نشريه علمي-پژوهشي سوخت و احتراق، سال نهم، شماره اول، بهار و تابستان 1395
اسد صاغري، هادي ويسي، اميررضا کوثري، طراحي بهينه مدار يک ماهواره سنجش از دور با درنظرگرفتن الزامات تواني و کنترل بار حرارتي وارده به ماهواره، علوم و فناوري فضايي، دوره 9، شماره 3، صفحه 27-36، 1395
Conference Papers
Veisi H., Sameti H., Babaali B., Hosseinzadeh Kh. and Manzuri M. T., Improving the Robustness of Persian Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition System for Real Applications, IEEE International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, from Theory to Applications (ICTTA’06), Damascus, Syria, April 2006.
Veisi H., Sameti H., Noise and Speaker Robustness in a Continuous Persian Speech Recognition System, IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (ISSPA’07), Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), February 2007.
Veisi H., Jamzad M., Image Compression with Neural Networks Using Complexity Level of Images, 5th IEEE International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2007), Istanbul, Turkey, September 2007.
Veisi H., Sameti H., The Combination of CMS with PMC for Improving the Robustness of Speech Recognition Systems, In Communications in Computer and Information Science, Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, 13th International CSI Computer Conference, CSICC 2008 Kish Island, Iran, Vol. 6, pp. 825-829, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
Sameti, H., Veisi, H., Bahrani, M., Babaali, B., Hosseinzadeh, Kh., Nevisa, a Persian Continuous Speech Recognition System, In Communications in Computer and Information Science, Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, 13th International CSI Computer Conference, CSICC 2008 Kish Island, Iran, Vol. 6, pp. 485-492, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
Veisi H., Sameti H., Improving the Performance of Speech Recognition Systems Using Fault-Tolerant Techniques, In 9th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP’08), Beijing, China, Oct. 2008.
Khorram S., Sameti H., Veisi H., LP Based Over-Sampled Subband Adaptive Noise Canceller for Speech Enhancement in Diffuse Noise Fields, In 9th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP’08), Beijing, China, Oct. 2008.
Veisi H., Sameti H., An Improved Parallel Model Combination Method for Noisy Speech Recognition, IEEE workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU’09), Merano-Italy, Dec. 2009
Marioorayd S., Sameti H., Veisi H., An Algebraic Gain Estimation Method to Improve the Performance of HMM-Based Speech Enhancement Systems, 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), Isfahan, Iran, May 2010.
Bokaei M.H., Sameti H., EghbalZadeh H., BabaAli B., Hosseinzadeh KH., Bahrani M., Veisi H., Sanian A., “Niusha, the First Persian Speech-Enabled IVR Platform”, 5th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST2010), Tehran-Iran, Dec 2010.
Veisi H., Sameti H., A Parallel Cepstral and Spectral HMM Modeling for Speech Enhancement, 17th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Greece, July 6-8, 2011.
Veisi H., Sameti H., Cepstral-Domain HMM-Based Speech Enhancement Using Vector Taylor Series and Parallel Model Combination, The 11th International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA), Montreal-Canada, July 3-5, 2012.
Aroudi A., Veisi H., Sameti H., Speech Enhancement Based on Hidden Markov Model with Discrete Cosine Transform Coefficients Using Laplace and Gaussian Distributions, The 11th International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA), Montreal-Canada, July 3-5, 2012.
Elyasi Langarani M. S., Veisi H., Sameti H., The Effect of Phase Information in Speech Enhancement and Speech Recognition, The 11th International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA), Montreal-Canada, July 3-5, 2012.
Khorram S., Sameti H., Veisi H., An Optimum MMSE Post-Filter for Adaptive Noise Cancellation in Automobile Environment, The 11th International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA), Montreal-Canada, July 3-5, 2012.
Haghmaram R., Aroudi A.,Ghezel Aiagh M. H., Veisi H., Automatic Noise Recognition Based on Neural Network Using LPC and MFCC Feature Parameters, Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), Wroclaw, Poland, pp. 69–73, Sep. 2012.
Veisi H., Sameti H., A Comparative Study on Single-Channel Noise Estimation Methods for Speech Enhancement, The International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), Kochi-India, Nov 27-29, 2012.
Gharavi E., Veisi H., A Hidden Markov Model for Persian Text Classification, 3rd National Computational Linguistics Conference, Tehran-Iran, 2014
Mohammad Daneshvar and Hadi Veisi, Persian Phoneme Recognition using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network, The Eighth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT2016), Hamedan, Iran, Sep. 2016.
Hessam Amini, Hadi Veisi, Elham Mohammadi, Target Words Selection for a Persian Brain-Computer-Interface-Based Speller Using Language Model, The Eighth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT2016), Hamedan, Iran, Sep. 2016.
Gharavi E., Bijari K., Zahirnia K., Veisi H., A Deep Learning Approach to Persian Plagiarism Detection, In working notes of FIRE 2016 – Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation, Published on, Vol 1737, pp. 154-159, Kolkata, India, December 7-10, 2016.
Momtaz M., Bijari K., Salehi M., Veisi H. Graph-based Approach to Text Alignment for Plagiarism Detection in Persian Documents. In working notes of FIRE 2016 – Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation, Published on, Vol 1737, pp. 176-179, Kolkata, India, December 7-10, 2016.
Elham Mohammadi, Hadi Veisi, and Hessam Amini, Native Language Identification Using a Mixture of Character and Word N-grams, In Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications. Association for Computational Linguistics, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 08, 2017.
Gharavi, Erfaneh, Hadi Veisi, Keyvan Bijari, and Kiarash Zahirinia. “A Fast Multi-level Plagiarism Detection MethodBased on Document Embedding Representation.” Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation 2016, Kolkata.
Eghbali, Koroosh, Hadi Veisi, Mohsen Mirzaei, and Yaser Mohseni. “Font Recognition for Persian Optical Character Recognition System.” The 10th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing, Isfahan.
Veisi, Hadi. “Kurdish Automatic Speech Recognition: AsoSoft Jira System.” International Institute for the Study of Kurdish Societies (IISKS) Conference 2017, Frankfurt.
Veisi, Hadi. “Kurdish Speech Recognition.” 3rd International Conference of Natural Sciences (ICNS2018)-Mathematics & Computer.
Hosseini Saravani, Sayed Habib, Mohammad Bahrani, Hadi Veisi, and Sara Besharati. “Persian Language Modeling Using Recurrent Neural Networks.” 9th International Telecommunication Symposium (IST2018), Tehran.