+98 21 8609-3065 h.veisi@ut.ac.ir

Contact Us

If you have questions, or need guidance and access to what we have in the lab. Apply via the form below or email.

Send us a Message


  • A copy of all messages will be sent to laboratory management.
  • You can also contact us through other options mentioned in contact page!

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we have answered your frequently asked questions.

Where is the lab located?

Data and Signal Processing Lab (DSP Lab)
Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies
University of Tehran
Amir Abad, North Kargar Street
Tehran, Iran

How can I access projects?

To access the projects, please send your basic information along with your full description and introduction so that we can correspond with you.

How can we contact the laboratory management?

You can contact them directly via email and arrange an appointment after the corona pandemic situation, if desired.

How can I communicate with a student?

To contact one of the students, please enter your field of activity and question in the form above. The admin will introduce you to one of the students.

Does the lab have online sessions?

Yes. Laboratory sessions are held with the presence of students and professors. If you would like to attend one of our sessions, please enter your full details through the form above and submit your request in the description section.

How can I access the lab data sets?

To access the datasets available in the lab, please submit complete information and descriptions of your project via the form above.

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